Research Experience for Undergraduates
NNCI Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program in Nanotechnology
Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) programs are an excellent way for undergraduates to become acquainted with scientific research and graduate student life. REU programs typically consist of an intensive 10 week summer research experience at a university different than your own. Most research centers sponsor REU-like programs as part of their education and outreach efforts.
The NNCI does not offer a network-wide REU program, but many of the NNCI sites conduct their own separate programs and the details for these are listed below. You must apply to each program separately.
The NNCI REU program will have a networked NNCI REU Convocation. The Convocation is an end of program technical conference (2-3 days) held at one of the sites. The Nebraska Nanoscale Facility will host convocation in August 2024. Participants from NNCI REU site programs will present their results in poster and oral formats and network with their peers. This is a wonderful culmination of the research experience. Most NNCI sites listed below will participate in the Convocation.
All NNCI site REU programs have the following common features:
- ~10 week research experience
- An individual focused nanotechnology project with training and support
- A stipend of approximately $5000-$7000 (varies by site)
- Meal plans are provided at SOME sites
- Housing on campus
- Paid travel or travel allowance
- Open to undergraduates who have not graduated by August 2025
Sites may have additional eligibility requirements so please carefully read each program’s information.
The specific technical areas vary by site, but all are within the broad umbrella of "nanotechnology". Projects are available within the broad areas of solid state physics and chemistry, materials science, electronic devices and materials, and biology/biomedical engineering.
The following programs may be available for summer 2025. Click on the site for further information.
- Arctic REU Greenland, application deadline February 12, 2024 (affiliated with Virginia Tech and Montana State University)
- Arizona State University, application deadline March 31, 2025 (restricted to SW US and driving distance to ASU in Tempe, AZ or Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, AZ)
- Cornell University, online application deadline February 6, 2025
- Georgia Institute of Technology, online application deadline February 15, 2025
- Harvard University, application deadline for full consideration is February 1, 2025, but applications will be accepted until positions are filled. (Also Research Experience for Veterans!)
- Montana State University, application deadlines range from February 15, 2024
- Northwestern University, application deadline January 31, 2025
- University of California at San Diego, application deadline February 15, 2025
- University of Louisville, application deadline March 15, 2025
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln, application deadline March 1, 2025
University of Texas at Austin, application deadline January 31, 2020- University of Washington, application deadline February 15, 2025
- University of Pennsylvania, application deadline February 1, 2024
Other NNCI sites MAY have programs in summer 2025 pending funding. Information on these additional programs is unlikely to be available before March 2025.