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NNCI Coordinating Office

The NNCI Coordinating Office (at Georgia Tech) is led by Dr. David Gottfried who serves as Director. The Director oversees the Coordinating Office day-to-day operations, assisted by a Program Manager (Ms. Amy Duke). Four Associate Directors manage the network activities in specific areas: Dr. Mikkel Thomas coordinates the NNCI education and outreach programs, Prof. Jameson Wetmore coordinates the Societal and Ethical Implications (SEI) activities, Prof. Azad Naeemi coordinates the computational activities and facilitates interactions with nanoHUB/NCN at Purdue University, and Dr. Matthew Hull coordinates the programs to assist users with entrepreneurship activities. This leadership team meets monthly by conference call.

The core staff is guided by an Executive Committee which includes the 16 NNCI site directors. The Executive Committee meets monthly via teleconference and annually in person at the NNCI Conference. The Executive Committee and Coordinating Office are advised by an External Advisory Board comprised of members representing industry, academia, government, education & outreach, SEI, computation and non-traditional disciplines in nanoscience and nanoengineering. The EAB meets in person as part of the NNCI Conference, with additional communications as determined by the EAB.

In addition to the work of the Associate Directors, several subcommittees discuss high-level issues related to the NNCI network as a whole. Finally, leveraging the distributed expertise at the network level, several working groups, composed of staff members from the NNCI sites, have been formed to share and develop best practices for site and network operations, technical areas, research areas, and education and outreach.

Additional activities of the Coordinating Office include communications with the NSF, maintenance of the NNCI website, collection and analysis of monthly site usage metrics, organization of the NNCI Annual Conference, and preparation of the NNCI Annual Report.

David Gottfried


Dr. David Gottfried (Georgia Tech)

(404) 894-0479

Mikkel Thomas

Associate Director for Education and Outreach

Dr. Mikkel Thomas (Georgia Tech)

(404) 385-8536

Visit the NNCI E&O Page

Jamey Wetmore

Associate Director for Societal and Ethical Implications

Prof. Jameson Wetmore (Arizona State University)

(480) 727-0750

Visit the NNCI SEI Page

Azad Naeemi

Associate Director for Computation

Prof. Azad Naeemi (Georgia Tech)

(404) 894-4829

Visit the NNCI Computation Page

Matthew Hull

Associate Director for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Dr. Matthew Hull (Virginia Tech)

(540) 231-5812

Visit the NNCI I&E Page

Amy Duke

Program Manager

Ms. Amy Duke (Georgia Tech)

(404) 894-6890

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