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NNCI Resources for Virtual Classrooms, Kitchens, Backyards, and Beyond

The NNCI Education and Outreach team has compiled this list of resources for children and adults. It includes videos, online magazines, podcasts, and activities that can be done from home using common items.


Intended Audience/
Grade Level

Brief Description

Resource Type

Approximate Time


Nano Matters

General Public - Any age

Interviews with experts on how nanotechnology will broadly affect different aspects of our lives


7-10 min each


Big vs. Little – Micro to Nano

General Public - Any age

Children will explore the concept of size by comparing and categorizing objects, then constructing various sized structures.  Beginning their understanding of big and small will be important as they develop an understanding of the nanoscale in later grades.


45 min


Learning about Surface Area and Volume

General Public - Any age

Using the book, Spaghetti and Meatballs for All! by Marilyn Burns, students explore surface area and volume by using their knowledge of area, perimeter, and volume. The purpose of this lesson is to help students extend their knowledge of area, perimeter, and volume including surface area.


45 min, flexible


What's It Made Of?

General Public - Any age

What's It Made Of? The YouTube show where we take normal everyday objects, put them in an electron microscope and found out WHAT THEY'RE MADE OF!


5-10 Minutes


Noodling Around: Powers of Ten

General Public - Any age

This activity develops a student's skills in measurement by using a pool noodle to measure objects. The activity encourages students to consider features that are useful when developing or using a measurement tool.


35 min, flexible


Taking a Closer Look at Objects: Exploring Scientific Tools

General Public - Any age

For students to understand their world they often need to use tools to gather information. Some tools will help them see parts of their surrounding world that they would otherwise miss.


up to 100 min, flexible


What's In Your Neighborhood? A Size and Scale Activity

General Public - Any age

This activity gives students a sense of size and scale using their classroom and their neighborhood as a frame of reference.


15 min


What's the Smallest Thing You Know? A Size and Scale Activity

General Public - Any age

The book What’s Smaller Than A Pygmy Shrew? by Robert E. Wells helps students see that a pygmy shrew is among the tiniest of mammals and that a ladybug is even smaller. But in the book, they will also find even smaller things that they ordinarily do not see.


up to 100 min, flexible


Pulse of the Planet

General Public - Any age

The Pulse of the Planet radio series provides its listeners with a two-minute sound portrait of Planet Earth, tracking the rhythms of nature, culture and science worldwide, blending interviews with extraordinary natural sound.


2 minute per episode


Learn About Nanotechnology

General Public - Any age

Learn how nanotechnology can address some of the world's biggest challenges and improve our everyday lives.


2 min each



General Public - Any age

National Nanotechnology Initiative YouTube channel with podcasts and videos on nanotechnology

YouTube Channel

No time limit


Cleanroom Tour and Lessons

General Public - Any age

Cleanroom areas explained through tours, definitions, and lessons

Lab tour & Lessons

No time limit


Virtual Microscope

General Public - Any age

Explore specimens by operating a real-life microscopes focus, illumination intensity, magnification, and translation.

Interactive Virtual Microscope

No time limit


Exploring Nanoscience Videos

General Public - Any age

Videos demonstrating a variety of short nanoscience topics

Nanoscience Video Demos

No time limit


At Home Resources

General Public - Any age

Videos, slide shows, and lessons about STEM topics

Videos, Lessons, Powerpoint Files

No time limit


Thin Films

General Public - Any age

Activity demonstrating how a material behaves on the macroscale is affected by its structure on the nanoscale.


No time limit


Floating Self Assembly

General Public - Any age

This experiment helps demonstrate one of the fundamental principles that makes organized structures on all scales, from molecules to nanostructures to galaxies. The process is called self-assembly.




MNTC Self-guided Tour

General Public - Any age

Self-guided window tour of the MNTC with audio and written descriptions. Tour takes 15 minutes.

Lab tour


KY Multiscale

3D Printing

General Public - Any age

On future technologies and how it might affect our lives in the year 2050. Featuring Tim Gornet of AMIST Core Facility


5 min

KY Multiscale

TNF Virtual Tour

General Public - Any age

The video shows the different tools and a short description of the tools all around the TNF cleanrooms and small individual labs


30 mins


Zeiss SEM Training

General Public - Any age

An interactive training video showing how to get images using the Zeiss SEM:


34 mins


Sciencing with Abby

General Public - Any age

In these videos, we invite kids (and adults) to conduct science experiments with us using supplies they can find at home. We will have two videos for each experiment. Beginner videos are aimed at Kindergarten - 5th grade audiences and advanced at 6th -12th grade.


30 min


Take-out Science

General Public - Any age

Take-out Science is a program designed to provide you with “take-out” access to our nanotechnology tools and experts during the coronavirus pandemic. Every Tuesday at noon (ET), we stream a new show in real time focused on a different theme. Dr. Holly Leddy leads exploration of each topic using a light microscope, a scanning electron microscope (SEM), and her expert colleagues.


30 min


NanoFab Virtual Tour

Middle school on up

User-controlled video tour of the cleanroom at Arizona State University. Has embedded videos showing how to put on bunny suit and Personal Protective Equipment.

Lab tour

No time limit


NanoFab Virtual Tour

Middle school on up

User-controlled video tour of the cleanroom at Arizona State University. Has embedded videos showing how to put on bunny suit and Personal Protective Equipment.

Lab tour (for use with virtual reality headset)

No time limit



Middle school on up

Nanooze is a magazine that has been created to get kids excited about science and especially nanotechnology–the science of really small things.

Online Magazine - available in Spanish

no time limit


Virtual Microscopes

Middle school on up

Links to a variety of virtual scanning, atomic force, and light microscopes as well as tutorials.

Internet links

15 minutes to 1 hour+


Introduction to Nanotechnology Using Creative Problem Solving Model

Middle school on up

This lesson serves as an introduction to the field of nanotechnology by discussing its real-world implications in light of economic issues and conditions.


up to 100 min, flexible


Learning Set on Size, Scale, Function and Measurement Systems

Middle school on up

The purpose of this lesson is to familiarize students with size, scale, and measurement by exploring size and scale through a variety of activities.


90 minutes per activity


Mixtures and Nanotechnology Classification of Mixtures and Particle Size

Middle school on up

Through a series of activities using images of mixtures, students will learn that the classification of mixtures depends on the size of particles that make them up and how these particles are distributed with the mixture.


90 minutes


Diagnostics for All: Teaching Relevance of Science and Engineering to Solving Societal Problems

Middle school on up

This a cross-disciplinary lesson connects chemistry and social and ethical issues. It is tied to a new and promising inexpensive form of diagnostics called paper diagnostics. The issue discussed focuses on HIV Aids.


50 minutes, flexible


Reading and Analyzing Nanotechnology

Middle school on up

This lesson will allow students the opportunity to read about nanotechnology. In addition, this will allow them to analyze and reflect on its implications and significance for the future.


50 minutes, flexible


SI System and Nanoscale Science

Middle school on up

A connection to the nanoscale is made by having students read the How Stuff Works article "How Nanotechnology Works" and answer questions about the article.


1.5 hours, flexible


Solar Ovens-Understanding Energy Transfer

Middle school on up

At the end of this lesson, students will understand that solar energy radiates from the sun to the Earth and gets trapped within the oven.


1.5 hours


Surface Area to Volume Ratio of Nanoparticles

Middle school on up

This lab helps students understand how nanoparticles may be more effective catalysts by investigating how the surface area-to-volume ratio of a substance is affected as its shape changes.


1.5 hours


The Metric System from Big to Small

Middle school on up

This lesson will review the metric system and relate the size and scale of objects to various metric units, including the very small nano-scale.


1.5 hours


The Micro and Macro Worlds: A Size and Scale Lesson

Middle school on up

This activity focuses on scale and the importance of using scale bars, for this is the most common feature when presenting nanoscale structures or nanoscale science. It connects well to the introduction of atoms and cell structures as well as advancements in technology.


15 min


Innovation Workshop: Nanotechnology

Middle school on up

How small is small? And how can nanoscale matter improve our lives? Innovation Workshop: Nanotechnology explores this cutting-edge science and engineering of nanoscale matter. 


5-7 min each


Nanotechnology: Big Things from a Tiny World

High school on up

Nanotechnology: Big Things from a Tiny World provides a general overview of nanotechnology and how it is used today.


No time limit

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