Cornell Nanoscale Science and Technology Facility (CNF)
The Cornell Nanoscale Facility offers a comprehensive set of advance nanofabrication tools supported by more than 20 technical staff. We support user projects in electronics, photonics, electronic materials, MEMS, applied physics, materials science, and biomedical areas.
Primary University: Cornell University
Getting Started
- Contact CNF User Program Managers to discuss CNF capabilities and project feasibility (Mike Skvarla, Skvarla@cnf.cornell.edu or Chris Alpha, Alpha@ cnf.cornell.edu).
- If desired, discuss project with CNF staff group for a more comprehensive discussion. Staff assembles for an open call-in session every Wednesday afternoon. Arrange a call via the User Program Managers.
- Prepare User Project Proposal.
- After project approval, prepare user applications and submit to userprogram@cornell.edu.
- Submit Purchase Order to CNF.
- Schedule Orientation and arrange travel. New user orientation occurs most Mondays.
- More details can be found at http://www.cnf.cornell.edu/cnf5_steps.html.
Need help?
New User Gateway
Included as part of this site are:
Cornell High Frequency Test Lab
Cornell NanoScale Science & Technology Facility (CNF)
Overview of Available Tool Areas
Site Contacts