Plenty of Beauty at the Bottom 2019
The NNCI Image Contest 2019
In honor of National Nanotechnology Day, October 9th, the National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure (NNCI) hosted our annual Plenty of Beauty at the Bottom image contest. Referencing Richard Feynman’s 1959 lecture, "There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom," this image contest celebrates the beauty of the micro and nanoscale. Images featured in this contest were produced at one of the 16 NNCI sites during the past year. Click on the categories below to see all of the images and learn about the research.
Most Stunning
Most Unique Capability
Most Whimsical

Most Stunning - Winner
Nano Fireworks
Artist: Yamin Zhang, PhD Student in School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Georgia Tech

Most Unique Capability - Winner
Moon City in the Nano Universe
Artist: Sarah K Lami, graduate student in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Kentucky
NNCI Site: KY Multiscale

Most Whimsical - Winner
Girl with a Flower: Self-assembled flower derived from a single spherical liquid crystalline droplet
Artist: Wei-Shao Wei, PhD student, and Arjun Yodh, faculty member, Physics and Astronomy, University of Pennsylvania

Most Whimsical - Winner
Dust Flower
Artist: Michael Valerino, PhD Candidate, Duke University