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NNCI Annual Conference January 2017

NNCI ConferenceNNCI Annual Conference 2017

Georgia Tech Marcus Nanotechnology Building

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

8:00-8:30 am                    Continental Breakfast

8:30-8:35 am                    Welcome (Steve Cross, GT EVPR)

8:35-9:15 am                    NNCI Overview (Oliver Brand)

9:15-10:15 am                  Site Reports Group 1

                                              SHyNE (Vinayak Dravid)

                                              CNS (Robert Westervelt)

                                              NNI (Karl Bohringer)

                                              RTNN (Jacob Jones)

                                              SDNI (Yu-Hwa Lo)

                                              MONT (David Dickensheets)

10:15-10:35 am                Break

10:35-11:20 am                Control and Coordination of Increasingly Larger Teams of Smaller Robots

                                         Magnus Egerstedt, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Tech

11:20 am-12:05 pm          NNCI Program Reports

                                                Education and Outreach (Nancy Healy)

                                                Social and Ethical Implications (Jameson Wetmore)

                                                Computation and Modeling (Azad Naeemi)

12:05 am-1:30 pm            Lunch and RAIN Demonstration

1:30-2:20 pm                    Site Reports Group 2

                                                MINIC (Stephen Campbell)

                                                NanoEarth (Mike Hochella) - contains video

                                                CNF (Chris Ober)

                                                SENIC (Oliver Brand)

                                                NNF (David Sellmyer)

2:20-3:05 pm                      Advanced Roll-to-Roll Nanofabrication Facility at the University of Massachusetts

                                           Jeffrey Morse, NSF Center for Hierarchical Manufacturing, University of Massachusetts-Amherst

3:05-3:25 pm                      Break

3:25-4:25 pm                      Breakout Session 1

                                                Future Research Directions (Oliver Brand)

                                                Working with Users/User Support (Tobi Beetz)

                                                Education and Outreach (Nancy Healy)

                                                Non-Traditional Users (Maude Cuchiara)

                                                NNCI Website (David Gottfried)

4:25-5:10 pm                      Reports of Breakout Groups

5:10-6:00 pm                      Facility Tour

6:00-7:30 pm                      Reception/Dinner

7:30-9:00 pm                      Advisory Board Meeting

                                           Site Directors Meeting with Coordinating Office

Thursday, January 19, 2017

8:00-8:30 am                      Continental Breakfast

8:30-9:20 am                      Site Reports Group 3

                                                TNF (Sanjay Banerjee)

                                                MANTH (Mark Allen)

                                                nano@stanford (Bruce Clemens)

                                                KY MMNIN (Kevin Walsh)

                                                NCI-SW (Trevor Thornton)

9:20-10:05 am                    Nanocarriers to Treat Gliomas of the Brain

                                           Ravi Bellamkonda, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, Duke University

10:05-10:25 am                 Break

10:25-11:25 am                  Breakout Session 2

                                                Facility Operations (Gary Spinner)

                                                Marketing and User Recruitment (Ben Myers)

                                                Computational Resources (Azad Naeemi)

                                                Societal and Ethical Implications (Jamey Wetmore)

                                                Advisory Board Meeting

11:25-11:35 am                Pick up box lunch

11:35-12:20 am                Reports of Breakout Groups

12:20-1:20 pm                 Advisory Board Report and Discussion


NNCI Conference

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