Mid-Atlantic Nanotechnology Hub (MANTH)
The Mid-Atlantic Nanotechnology Hub at the Singh Center for Nanotechnology has been created to enable researchers in the industry-dense and academically-rich environment of Philadelphia and the surrounding mid-Atlantic region by providing access to a state-of-the-art fabrication and characterization facility and the associated intellectual nanotechnology expertise.
Primary University: University of Pennsylvania
Affiliated Partner: Community College of Philadelphia
Getting Started
- Contact the MANTH Director of User Programs, Pat Watson, gewatson@seas.upenn.edu.
- Email a description of what you would like to accomplish.
- The MANTH staff will follow up with email or teleconference.
- Sign up for access to the lab and for your PennKey,
- If cleanroom work is required, sign up for safety orientation. It is also recommended that new users attend the weekly fabrication process forum conducted by cleanroom staff.
- Obtain your PennCard to access the building and labs, and begin equipment training.
Need help?
New User Gateway
Included as part of this site are:
Singh Center for Nanotechnology
Singh Center for Nanotechnology Nanoscale Characterization Facility
Singh Center for Nanotechnology Quattrone Nanofabrication Facility
Singh Center for Nanotechnology Scanning Probe Facility
Overview of Available Tool Areas
Site Contacts


Vertical Graphene

Flexible Electronics