Demo Guide and Information Sheets
NNCI Demo Guide (Easy demonstrations for outreach events)
Information and Direction Sheets
Name | Description |
Exploring allotropes of carbon |
Bunny suit gowning contest |
Making "chips" with cookies |
A model for drug delivery |
Liquid magnets |
Surface tension and water |
Exploring atomic forces |
Basic facts about hydrophobicity |
Exploring magic sand and other materials |
What is nanotechnology? |
Exploring temperature and liquid crystals |
Exploring consumer nanoproducts |
Exploring nitinol |
A number line activity |
Information on sunscreens and UV radiation |
UV beads and sunscreen |
UV beads, sunscreen, and bracelet |
How to make a faster reaction |
Exploring thin films with nail polish |
How an AFM works |
How an SEM works |