JEOL 9500
JEOL 9500
JEOL - JBX 9500

Cornell University
Cornell NanoScale Science & Technology Facility (CNF)
- Lithography
- All Lithography
The JEOL 9500 is the next generation direct write ebeam lithography system from JEOL. Currently it is the only system in the US and only the 3rd in the world. The CNF tool is the first 9500 with improved column optics for a reduced spot size, making it unique among the systems currently in operation. The tool is capable of loading samples from 5 mm up to 300 mm and writing features as small as 6 nm or less. The clock speed has been increased to 100 MHz, reducing write times. Stitching and overlay specifications have also been in improved dramatically over the previous generation. Capabilities: Accelerating Voltage: 100 kV;Field Size: 1 mm;Writing Speed: 100 MHz;Sample Size: Small pieces to 300 mm wafers;Minimum beam diameter: 3.2 nm;Minimum Feature Size: 6 nm;Maximum beam current: 100 n
Maximum Substrate Size
12 inch