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SENIC Education and Outreach

SENIC’s site at the Institute for Electronics and Nanotechnology at Georgia Tech offers a wide variety of events and programs including:

  • REU: A Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) entitled Southeastern Undergraduate Internship in Nanotechnology (SUIN) recruits students from schools in the southeastern US including Puerto Rico. During this ten-week summer program, students conduct a high quality research project with support from faculty, staff, and graduate student mentors. t The application portal for this summer program can be found at:
  • NanoAmbassadors: SENIC recruits and trains undergraduates, graduate students, post-docs, and staff to assist in outreach to the community and K-12 schools. Volunteers help with events by providing hands-on activities, demonstrations, and cleanroom tours.
  • K-12 student outreach: SENIC provides both on-site and off-site events for K-12 students.  These school events include hands-on activities and demonstrations as well as tours of the cleanroom. We are also working with Georgia 4-H to bring nanaoscale science and engineering in to their curriculum offerings.
  • K-12 teacher workshops: We provide professional development workshops for K-12 teachers. These workshops run from one hour to one week and focus on how nanoscale science and engineering can be part of standards-based science teaching.
  • Technical workshops and seminars: We offer a variety of technical workshops and seminars for users and potential users on the applications and capabilities of our tools and processes.  In addition, we have the bimonthly seminar series Nano@Tech which provides seminars on cutting-edge research.
  • Tools of Nano: SENIC has a Hitachi TM3000 Scanning Electron Microscope and a NanoScience EasyScan Atomic Force Microscope that can be used for outreach, undergraduate teaching, and visits to schools.

For more information, contact: Quinn Spadola, or Leslie O’Neill,

SENIC’s site at the Joint School for Nanoscience and Nanoengineering offers several educational programs:

  • Graduate Students: JSNN offers four graduate degree programs: (1) Professional MS in Nanoscience, (2) MS degree in Nanoengineering, (3) PhD in Nanoscience and (4) PhD in Nanoengineering. Students have an opportunity to specialize in the one or more of the research core clusters at JSNN, namely, nanomaterials, computational nanotechnology, nanobioelectronics, nanometrology, nanomedicine and nanoenergy & environment.
  • Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU): Students participate in nanotechnology-related research with JSNN-affiliated faculty in one of the JSNN core cluster - nanomaterials, computational nanotechnology, nanobioelectronics, nanometrology, nanomedicine and nanoenergy & environment.
  • Technical Workshops, Seminars and Professional Development Training: JSNN offers regular technical workshops and weekly seminars for all users and potential users, including graduate, undergraduate and professional researchers. In addition, JSNN also offers professional development seminar courses for the graduate students, covering topics on ethics, writing and presentation skills, entrepreneurship and emerging issues in nanotechnology.
  • Community College Internship Program: This provides internship opportunities for students from local community college students (Forsyth Tech and Guilford Tech) with up to 160 hours on-site, paid workforce training in one of the JSNN core labs.
  • K-12 schools and Predominately Undergraduate-Serving Institutions: JSNN offers on site research demonstrations and lab tours for local middle and high schools as well as research opportunities for students from predominately undergraduate-serving institutions.
  • NanoBus: A mobile lab filled with equipment and experiments which visits area K-12 schools and provides hands-on lessons and demonstrations on nanotechnology and physical science. In addition, JSNN participates in the NC Science Festival "Gateway to Science".

For more information, contact: Dan Herr,

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