Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) across the NNCI
The National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure (NNCI) will be offering teachers the opportunity to experience the excitement of nanotechnology research and to share this experience in their classrooms and with their peers. This program will be offered to teachers by three NNCI sites: Georgia Institute of Technology (GT), University of Minnesota (UMN), and University of Nebraska–Lincoln (UNL). Contact your local site for more information.
Application for the RET program is open through April 18, 2025.
- The NNCI RET program is 6 weeks:
- 6 weeks in summer at the NNCI site - June 16 - July 25, 2025
- RET coordinators will also schedule an additional 3 days at the Georgia Tech campus in March 2026 for a mini-conference with participants from other sites.
- Follow-up visit to your classroom by RET coordinators
- Sharing your experience at the annual meeting of the relevant state Science Teachers Association
- The NNCI RET provides:
- Stipend – $8,000
- Travel support to GSTA – up to $1,250
- Classroom materials support – $1,000
- Hands-on research experience in nanotechnology
- Faculty research advisors and graduate student mentors
- 3 hour bootcamp orientation June 9, 2025 (GT)
- The objectives of the NNCI RET Program:
- Grow a multi-site cohort of educators from across the country with research experiences that reflect broad educational, industrial, and societal NSE activities and link them with the Teaching Nano and Emerging Technologies Network, part of the National Nanotechnology Initiative,
- Build upon the library of NSE educational materials developed by the NNIN and broadly disseminate these activities,
- Highlight the work of the NNCI cohort by attending state science teaching association conferences and providing a webinar on their curriculum to the Teaching Nano and Emerging Technologies Network, thereby fostering an expansive network of educators integrating NSE curriculum in their classes; and
- Encourage RET participants (RETs) to present their research in journals and professional society meetings.
For more information on the GT program, email Mikkel Thomas.
For more information on the UMN program, email Claire Dietz.
For more information on the UNL program, email Steve Wignall.
Application deadline is April 18, 2025.
RET Application Signature Page
A virtual information session on the RET across the NNCI program was held on February 27, 2021. Below are links to presentations from and the video of the session.