NNCI Annual Conference 2023
NNCI Annual Conference 2023
Hosted by Stanford University (nano@stanford)
Wednesday, Oct. 25 NNCI Pre-Conference and Welcome
Photolithography Working Group Meeting
nano@stanford Open House (with student research posters and vendor booths)
Education and Outreach Coordinators Meeting
Annual SEI Meeting
Thursday, Oct. 26 NNCI Annual Conference
Conference Welcome and Overview (Debbie Senesky)
NSF Comments (Richard Nash and Anthony Maciejewski)
NNCO Comments (Branden Brough)
NNCI Coordinating Office Report (David Gottfried)
NNCI Associate Director Reports
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Matt Hull)
- Education and Outreach (Mikkel Thomas)
- Societal and Ethical Implications (Jameson Wetmore)
- Computation (Azad Naeemi)
Special Topic: Translating from R&D to Market (invited speakers TBA) and the I&E Economic Impact Survey Results
- Introduction (Matt Hull)
- I&E Group’s Economic Impact Survey Report Out (Tonya Pruitt, Jessica Hauer)
- Start-up Success Story (Jack Hu, Pumpkinseed)
- Start-up Success Story (Jae-Hyung Lee, Stratio)
- Academic Support Programs for Entrepreneurs (Yossi Feinberg, Stanford Ignite)
- Non-profit Support Programs for Entrepreneurs (Brenna Teigler, Activate Berkeley)
- Start-Up Accelerators/Incubators (Paul Pickering, Silicon Catalyst)
- Applied Material’s EPIC Center (Sesh Ramaswami, AMAT)
Facility Tours
Banquet Dinner and Staff Awards
Friday, Oct. 27 NNCI Annual Conference
Site Directors Meeting with Coordinating Office
Site Reports and Panel 1: “What can a set of future nanotechnology infrastructure sites do to expand their impact regionally?”
Site Reports and Panel 2: “What role does the NNCI currently play in workforce development and how can a future infrastructure improve upon and scale these efforts?"
Research Community Reports
- Nanotechnology Convergence (Jacob Jones)
- Nanoscience in the Earth & Environmental Sciences (Trevor Thornton)
- Nano-Enabled Internet-of-Things (Christian Binek)
- Transform Quantum (Steven Koester)
- Understanding the Rules of Life (Vinayak Dravid)
- Microelectronics/Semiconductors (Trevor Thornton, Shyam Aravamudhan, Mary Tang)
Site Reports and Panel 3: “How can an NSF-funded nanotechnology program help lead and nucleate the broader national nanotechnology infrastructure ecosystem?"
Site Reports and Panel 4: “How does NNCI support national research priorities, and how can this be enhanced in a future nanotechnology infrastructure?”
NNCI External Advisory Board Meeting
NNCI External Advisory Board Oral Report