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NCI-SW Education and Outreach

The Nanotechnology Collaborative Infrastructure Southwest (NCI-SW) education and outreach efforts consist of year-round activities as well as special events.

·         Throughout the year, K-12 students can participate in Science Is Fun events that include hands-on science demos and lab tours.

·         Students at middle and high schools as well as community colleges can also remotely access and control a scanning electron microscope for a real world exposure to nanotechnology.

·         There are also webinars on various STEM topics available to the general public throughout the year.

·         Special events include demos at The Night of the Open Door at Arizona State University, and Geeks’ Night Out hosted by the city of Tempe, AZ. Education efforts include summer programs of Science Outside the Lab as well as Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) and Teachers (RET), and the Winter School on Responsible Innovation and Social Studies of Emerging Technologies.


For more information, contact: Jessica Hauer at




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